Biotechnological cleaning

The biological cleaning method is based on solutions developed in living cells over millions of years of evolution. Bacteria consequently use highly effective biochemical tools in their metabolism and are specialists in breaking down what we perceive as dirt.

 What does biotechnological cleaning mean? 

Pure Effects products contain live bacterial cultures (soon, a link will be available to a text about the bacteria present in our products) that have been selected for their ability to efficiently biodegrade in a process that does not release foul-smelling substances. These bacteria secrete large amounts of enzymes - self-produced, biological chemicals - that break down organic residues such as fats, proteins, starch, and other common sources of bad odors. By breaking down the dirt, they can then consume the energy-rich raw materials it consists of. The result is deep cleaning, and odor problems can be eliminated at the source.

The bacteria's work continues even after we stop cleaning. Because they are living organisms, they remain active as long as nutrients are available, extending the effect of the cleaning over time. The presence of our well-known and beneficial bacteria means that the space remains occupied, preventing odor-producing - and in the worst case, disease-causing - bacteria from reestablishing themselves. The space stays cleaner for a longer period.

In fact, we already rely on bacterial degradation processes for cleaning. These take place in wastewater treatment plants as part of transforming sewage water into drinking water. By mimicking the large-scale method and using it in our homes, we contribute to upstream cleaning effects - rather than increasing the workload of treatment plants by adding chemicals.

We use Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus spp. These well-studied bacteria are more than allies; they are domesticated - microscopic, beneficial workhorses in the service of humans - whose highly useful properties are already being utilized in a variety of ways across many fields.

All microorganisms used in Pure Effects cleaning products are documented to be harmless to humans, animals, and nature. They are already naturally present in our environment and do not cause diseases. They belong to the lowest risk class for biological agents (class 1 of 4) - the same as the probiotic lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus.

If you come across any unfamiliar terms and would like them explained, feel free to visit our Glossary for more information. Under INSPIRATION, you’ll find more listening and reading through podcasts and articles. We continuously update the site with more information and additional links for those wanting to dive deeper. We hope you find what you’re looking for, and feel free to reach out to us if you need further assistance - we’ll do our best to connect you with someone who can answer your questions.